The Brief
The IAI is a trailblazing organisation founded in 2008 to place philosophy and critical thinking into the heart of public life, to challenge common worldviews and perceptions. News analysis and thinkpieces, video, podcasts and learning courses developed by expert academics cultivate personal and public engagement with philosophy, politics and art. Their work features the world’s leading thinkers, Nobel Prize-winning economists and artists, such as Brian Eno and Jake Chapman.
They came to us with a tall order: create branding, film events, and a strong web presence worthy of their eclectic content.

The Work
Given the unique nature of their work, our challenge was to create a distinct feel for each offering for the IAI, from news to podcasts to features. Their monthly traffic, upward of 4 million visitors, raised the pressure to produce appealing, consistent digital strategies. We regularly modernize these strategies to support IAI as a ground-breaking space for challenging and interesting ideas.

The Results
This project generated combined social media following and website sign-ups of over 500,000 as well as over 40,000 newsletter subscribers in 2018.

Contact Us
We deliver integrated digital solutions across a range of sectors including
broadcast media and film, publishing, healthcare, education, events and hospitality.